The C++ framework for developing highly scalable, high performance servers on Windows platforms.

[I/O Tools Library]

Collaboration diagram for FileIO:


class  CAsyncFileLog
 A class that implements JetByteTools::Core::ILogMessages to provide an asynchronous file log that uses overlapped I/O to perform writes to the log file. This class allows you to change the name of the log file after creation but this functionality should be externally synchronised with any use of the various LogMessage() calls and any calls on the IWaitable interface to ensure that SetLogName() is never called concurrently to one of the other calls. The reason that we require YOU to do this synchronisation work is that when used carefully (i.e. SetLogName() is never called when the class is being used by multiple threads) then there is no need to synchronise the calls to LogMessage(). More...
class  CAsyncFileReader
 A class that implements IHandler to provide an asynchronous file reader that uses overlapped I/O to perform reads from the file. Data read from the file is provided in a 'push fashion' via the CAsyncFileReader::Callback interface. More...
class  CAsyncFileReader::Callback
 An interface for users of the CAsyncFileReader to be notified of the results of the asynchronous read operations on the file. More...
class  CAsyncFileWriter
 A class that implements IHandler to provide an asynchronous file writer that uses overlapped I/O to perform writes to the file. Any errors that occur during the asynchronous file writes are reported via the CAsyncFileWriter::Callback interface. More...
class  CAsyncFileWriter::Callback
 An interface for users of the CAsyncFileWriter to be notified of any errors that occur during the asynchronous write operations on the file. More...
class  CAsyncFileWriterEx
 A class that implements IHandler to provide an asynchronous file writer that uses overlapped I/O to perform writes to the file. Any errors that occur during the asynchronous file writes are reported via the CAsyncFileWriter::Callback interface. More...
class  CFileInputStream
 An object that implements IInputStream on a file. More...
class  CFileOutputStream
 An object that implements ICloseableOutputStream on a file. More...
class  CFixedFileHeaderRotatingAsyncFileLog
 A class that implements JetByteTools::ILogMessages to provide an asynchronous file log that uses overlapped I/O to perform writes to the log file. The log can be set to automatically rotate (i.e. create a new log file) after a set period of time or when the file grows to a particular size. More...
class  CLoggingAsyncFileWriterCallback
 A class that implements CAsyncFileWriter::Callback and logs errors and when the pending write limit is reached. More...
class  CRetryAndRenameFileCreationFailureHandler
class  CRotatingAsyncFileLog
 A class that implements JetByteTools::ILogMessages to provide an asynchronous file log that uses overlapped I/O to perform writes to the log file. The log can be set to automatically rotate (i.e. create a new log file) after a set period of time or when the file grows to a particular size. More...
class  TTimeChangeAwareRotatingAsyncFileLog
 A class that implements JetByteTools::ILogMessages to provide an asynchronous file log that uses overlapped I/O to perform writes to the log file. The log can be set to automatically rotate (i.e. create a new log file) after a set period of time or when the file grows to a particular size. Aware of time changes that occur on the system. More...

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