The C++ framework for developing highly scalable, high performance servers on Windows platforms.

Release Notes - Admin Library

Version 7.4

  • Remove support for Visual Studio 2015.
  • Remove deprecated functionality.

Version 7.3
  • Clearly identify any open source software used by the framework and make it easy to disable it or see the relevant license details.
  • Preparations for making the code compile on other platforms.
  • More libraries now require that you include their Admin.h files in your Config.h file if you wish to use them.
  • Removed some code used during testing and debugging of the framework where the code is either unsupported in the forthcoming 8.0 release or broken/untested/unused.
  • Added support for a new method of dynamic object leak tracking.
  • Removed the need for WinsockWrapper.h any reference to this header should be removed.

Version 7.2
  • Removal of manual "#define include guards" now that all supported compilers support pragma once.
  • Removal of out of date lint directives.
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2022 Preview.
  • Fixed up some incorrect define config settings.

Version 7.1
  • Preparations for making the code compile on other platforms.
  • Some libraries now require that you include their Admin.h files in your Config.h if you wish to use the library. So, for example, if you are using the CoreTools library, you must include JetByteTools\CoreTools\Admin.h in your Config.h.
  • Switch to using JetByteTools::Core::CReferenceCount for reference counts.
  • Switch to using Core Tools atomic types rather than Interlocked operations directly.
  • Switch to using JetByteTools::Core::ErrorCodeToErrorMessage() rather than JetByteTools::Win32::GetLastErrorMessage()
  • Switch to using Core Tools crash dumps rather than Win32 mini dumps.
  • Switch to using Core Tools lockable objects rather than Win32 critical sections.
  • Move DebugHelpers.h from Admin to Core Tools.
  • Move Types.h from Admin to Core Tools.

Version 7.0
  • Major changes due to preparations for multi-platform support. Addition of CoreTools library which contains all cross platform code that was previously in Win32Tools.

Version 6.9.5
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2019 (16.5 - 16.9).
  • Updated project files to make release build optimisations consistent.
  • Rationalised precompiled header usage.
  • Removed unrequired includes.
  • Began to move towards removing JetByteTools\Win32Tools\Utils.h by splitting it into more functionally cohesive headers.
  • Added checking for _MSC_FULL_VER as well as _MSC_VER via JETBYTE_LATEST_TESTED_FULL_COMPILER_VERSION to determine compatibility.

Version 6.9.4
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2019 (16.4).

Version 6.9.3
  • Fixed issued raised by Resharper++
  • Changed include path separators from \ to / so as to support compilation on Linux using CLANG and GCC
  • Fixed case of include file names to aid portability.
  • Migrating code towards 'modern C++' idioms.
  • Suppress warning C4355 "'this': used in base member initializer list" in Warnings.h and remove per file suppressions. We just use this idiom far too often for it to be a special case.
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2019 (16.3).
  • Dropped support for Visual Studio 2013.

Version 6.9.2
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2017 (15.6 - 15.9).
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2019 (16 - 16.2).

Version 6.9.1
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2017 15.5.

Version 6.9
  • Fixed issued raised by CppDepend
  • Fixed issued raised by Resharper++
  • Dropped support for Visual Studio 2012.
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2017.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_BUFFER_LIST which defaults to 1 and removes support for JetByteTools::IO::CBufferList.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_HIXIE_WEBSOCKETS which defaults to 1 and removes support for HIXIE76 support from JetByteTools::WebSocket.
  • Added DEPRECATE_BUFFER_CHAIN_METHODS which defaults to 1 and removes support for several methods in JetByteTools::IO::CBufferChain.
  • Added DEPRECATE_BUFFER_PROCESSOR_METHODS which defaults to 1 and removes support for several methods in JetByteTools::IO::CBufferProcessor.
  • Changed the default value of JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_NON_POOLED_BUFFER from 0 to 1 so that JetByteTools::IO::CNonPooledBuffer is no longer available by default.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_REGISTRY_CONFIGURATION which defaults to 1 and removes support for JetByteTools::Win32::CRegistryConfiguration.
  • Added JETBYTE_MULTIPLE_RANGE_REUSABLE_ID_MANAGER_VALIDATE_FREED_IDS which defaults to 1 and enables validation. Some performance can be gained by disabling this.
  • Added JETBYTE_SMART_POINTER_DUMP_ON_NULL_REFERENCE which defaults to 0 and when set to 1 enables mini dump creation when a null smart pointer is dereferenced.
  • Added JETBYTE_REFERENCE_COUNTED_SMART_POINTER_DUMP_ON_NULL_REFERENCE which defaults to 0 and when set to 1 enables mini dump creation when a null reference counted smart pointer is dereferenced.

Version 6.8
  • Dropped support for Visual Studio 2010.
  • Support for Visual Studio 2012 will be dropped in the next major release.
  • Removed support for Visual Studio 2013 Preview and code reliant on VS2013_PREVIEW_BROKEN_ISPRINT.
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2017 RC.
  • Removed support for STLPort. This is no longer required as the quality of the STL implementation supplied with Visual Studio has improved immesurably.
  • Made pragma once unconditional in headers.
  • Fixed issued raised by PC-Lint Plus.
  • Fixed issued raised by CppDepend
  • Fixed issued raised by Resharper++
  • Use override rather than virtual for implementations of virtual functions in derived classes.
  • Added JETBYTE_DISABLE_POOLING_BUFFER_ALLOCATOR which defaults to 0 and when set disables all pooling in buffer allocators.
  • Added JETBYTE_CHECK_BUFFER_VALIDITY_ON_EVERY_ACCESS which defaults to 0 and when set causes each access to a buffer to check for 'validity' (i.e. that the buffer is active and hasn't been released back to the allocator.
  • Added JETBYTE_SHOW_ADMIN_CONFIG_DETAILS which determines if Admin.cpp displays all of the config settings or just some. This defaults defaults to 0 which causes the more limited dispaly.

Version 6.7
  • Dropped support for Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008.
  • Dropped support for Windows XP.
  • Removed JETBYTE_HAS_INTERLOCKED_64 as it's true on all supported platforms now.
  • Removed JETBYTE_PERF_STREAM_SOCKETS_SKIP_MARSHAL_TO_IO_POOL and JETBYTE_PERF_DATAGRAM_SOCKETS_SKIP_MARSHAL_TO_IO_POOL as these are always enabled now. Marshalling was only required to work around Windows XP's I/O cancellation on thread termination policy.
  • Removed SecureCRT.h as it's no longer required. It was used to map differences between the Visual Studio 2005 CRT and the "new" secure CRT.
  • Added the macro, SuppressLNK4221Warning(), which can be put into a file in order suppress the MS Visual C++ Linker warning 4221 - "warning LNK4221: no public symbols found; archive member will be inaccessible"

Version 6.6.5
  • Added JETBYTE_INSTALL_PER_THREAD_ERROR_HANDLER_IN_CTHREAD which defaults to 1 and when set installs a JetByteTools::Win32::CPerThreadErrorLog object onto all JetByteTools::Win32::CThread object's threads.
  • Added JETBYTE_ILLEGAL_BUFFER_USER_DATA_EXCEPTIONS which defaults to 0 and when set turns on range checking for user data indices in JetByteTools::IO::CBuffer and an index out of range exception is thrown if necessary.
  • Added JETBYTE_DUMP_NAMED_INDEX_DETAILS_ON_LOCK which defaults to 0 and when set causes the names of named indices to be dumped to the default debug trace log when the indices are locked for the first time. This can be useful in tracking down mismatches between different named index providers.
  • Added JETBYTE_BREAK_SEH_EXCEPTION_TRANSLATOR_COMPATABILITY which defaults to 1 and when set adds an unused int to the signature of the constructor for JetByteTools::Win32::CSEHException::Translator. To continue using JetByteTools::Win32::CSEHException::Translator you should pass 0 to its constructor. Consider updating these handlers by using JetByteTools::Win32::CPerThreadErrorLog instead as it offers superior functionality.
  • Added JETBYTE_TRACK_ADDRESS_REFERENCES which defaults to 0 and when set enables reference tracking of JetByteTools::Socket::CAddressImpl objects in the same way that tracking can be enabled for sockets and buffers.
  • Added JETBYTE_STREAM_SOCKETS_DISPATCH_OTHER_SOCKETS_DURING_COMPLETION_HANDLING and JETBYTE_DATAGRAM_SOCKETS_DISPATCH_OTHER_SOCKETS_DURING_COMPLETION_HANDLING which both default to 0 and this changes the default behaviour from previous releases. These control how we deal with dispatching operations from other sockets whilst dispatching events from a socket... This only affects designs where one connection can write to another connection. In such a design, in earlier versions, we would allow processing of operations from the 'other' connection whilst we're processing operations from the main connection. For example. If we're in the read completion handler for a connection and we issue a read on another connection and that read completes immediately, inline, then we would begin to handle the completion and end up in the read completion handler for the other socket. This could cause issues with lock inversions if each connection needs to take out locks. The new default is to NOT handle the inline completions for the 'other' socket inline but instead to queue them until after the current socket's operation handler completes. You can revert to the old behaviour by setting these to 1 in your Config.h file.

Version 6.6.4
  • Added JETBYTE_TRACE_STREAM_SOCKET_INTERNAL_ABORTS which defaults to 0 and when set logs all calls to CStreamSocket::AbortConnection() to the debug trace log.
  • Adjusted all includes to remove relative paths and instead be absolute in relation to the library root. So, rather than include "..\Blah.h" it would always be include "JetByteTools\Lib\Blah.h" this is due to a new warning in Visual Studio 2015 update 1.

Version 6.6.3
  • Ran Visual Lint using Gimpel PC Lint on all code and adjusted to remove warnings and fix bugs.
  • Removed all use of exception specifications. We only ever used throw() but that's now gone too.
  • Protected non-virtual destructors on interfaces are now virtual even though they you can't delete the object via the interface.
  • Added some new default defines so that all defaults are explicitly set.
  • Added some more new exception catching macros.
  • Added support Visual Studio 2015.
  • Cleaned up the project files a bit, removed pointless property sheets, etc.

Version 6.6.2
  • Added some new exception catching macros.
  • Added handling for intrusive container debug options.
  • Added expanded handling for SChannel and OpenSSL debug options.
  • Added explicit defines for some optional settings.
  • Added definitions for UINT_PTR and ULONG_PTR to Types.h
  • Enabled warning C4640 in Warnings.h (construction of local static object is not thread-safe)

Version 6.6.1
  • No changes.

Version 6.6
  • Removed support for Windows 2000. The earliest operating system that we support is now Windows XP.
  • Added support for Windows 8.1.
  • Removed support for Visual Studio .Net (2002) and Visual Studio .Net (2003).
  • Added support for Visual Studio 2013.
  • Addition of an include for algorithm.h in many places for std::min and std::max to support Visual Studio 2013.
  • Added JETBYTE_BUFFER_TRACKING_INSTANCES and JETBYTE_SOCKET_TRACKING_INSTANCES which default to 1 but allow the reference tracking debug code to track details of reference counts across multiple instances (uses) of the same buffer or socket object. This can help track particularly gnarly reference count bugs.
  • Added JETBYTE_SMART_POINTER_THROW_ON_NULL_REFERENCE which causes TConditionalSmartPointer<T> to throw exceptions if you attempt to dereference a null pointer.
  • Removed the concept of I/O recursion prevention in most places and therefore the following define is no longer valid: JETBYTE_PERF_STREAM_SOCKETS_LIMIT_IO_RECURSION_TO as we now queue operations that complete inline and guarantee that recursion never occurs for stream sockets and datagram connection manager sockets. The datagram version of the define, JETBYTE_PERF_DATAGRAM_SOCKETS_LIMIT_IO_RECURSION_TO, is still valid as we still use recursion prevention in the datagram socket server code.
  • Added ENABLE_SOCKET_IDENTIFIERS which causes JetByteTools::Socket::TAsyncSocket::GetIdentifier() to exist. This returns a string representation of a socket's "identifier" (a value that is unique for the life of the socket). This value can be used in traces to link the debug traces for a specific connection. Note that this is automatically defined if trace definitions that require it are defined.
  • Added JETBYTE_CRASH_DUMP_ON_NEXT_BUFFER_REF_CHANGE_AFTER_ILLEGAL_CHANGE and JETBYTE_CRASH_DUMP_ON_NEXT_SOCKET_REF_CHANGE_AFTER_ILLEGAL_CHANGE which cause crash dumps to be created the next time AddRef() or Release() is called on a socket or buffer after an illegal ref count change (over-release or under-release) has been detected.
  • Removed support for JETBYTE_DEFAULT_PURE_CALL_HANDLER_INSTALL_ON_EARLY_COMPILERS since we no longer support the compilers that required it.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_IN_ORDER_BUFFER_LIST which currently defaults to 0 and which, when defined to 1, removes the JetByteTools::IO::CInOrderBufferList from the source tree. You should replace usages of this class with one of the buffer processors, probably JetByteTools::IO::CSortedBufferProcessor. The define is currently only present to aid in locating and removing all usages of the list. It will actually be deprecated in the next release.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_SEQUENTIAL_BUFFER_LIST which defaults to 1 and which removes the JetByteTools::IO::CSequentialBufferList from the source tree. You should use JetByteTools::IO::CBufferChain instead.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_SHARED_LOCK_SOCKETS which defaults to 1 and which removes sockets which share locks based on a lock factory. The resource limits that were present in NT4 are long gone and this code is considerably less performant and more complex than using sockets which each have their own locks.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_SHARED_CRITICAL_SECTIONS which defaults to 1 and which removes the entire concept of shared locks from the source tree. Note that this requires JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_SHARED_LOCK_SOCKETS to also be set to 1.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_CRITICAL_SECTION which defaults to 0 and which, when defined to 1, removes JetByteTools::Win32::CCriticalSection and associated interfaces from the source tree. You should replace usages of this class with one of the new lock classes, see Win32Tools for details; such as JetByteTools::Win32::CLockableObject or JetByteTools::Win32::CLockableObject, etc. The define is currently only present to aid in locating and removing all usages of the class though it will likely be deprecated in the next release.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_CRITICAL_SECTION_2 which defaults to 1 and which removes the JetByteTools::Win32::CCriticalSection2 class from the source tree. Note that this class is no longer considered to be safe and usage should be replaced by one of the supported lock types.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_LOW_CONTENTION_BUFFER_ALLOCATOR which defaults to 1 and which removes the JetByteTools::IO::CLowContentionBufferAllocator class from the source tree. Use one of the other allocators and the per socket pooling functionality.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_TLS_BUFFER_ALLOCATOR which defaults to 1 and which removes the JetByteTools::IO::CLowContentionBufferAllocator class from the source tree. Use one of the other allocators and the per socket pooling functionality.
  • Added JETBYTE_DEPRECATE_DEFLATING_STREAM_SOCKET_FILTER which defaults to 1 and which removes the JetByteTools::Socket::CDeflatingStreamSocketConnectionFilter class from the source tree. This class is no longer required now that support for the WebSocket "deflate-stream" extension has been deprecated. If you require "deflate" functionality for a TCP server then use the JetByteTools::Socket::CCompressingStreamSocketConnectionFilter instead.
  • Added JETBYTE_LOCKABLE_OBJECT_CHECK_FOR_REENTRANT_USE which defaults to 0. If defined as 1 then JetByteTools::Win32::CLockableObject will throw an exception if it detects reentrant usage. If defined as 0 the the lock may simply deadlock itself (if its implementation is a SRW lock (Vista or later)). When defined to 1 the lock is less efficient as it needs to track the locking thread.
  • Added JETBYTE_LOCKABLE_OBJECT_CHECK_FOR_REENTRANT_USE_DEBUG_BREAK which defaults to 0. If defined as 1 then this causes JETBYTE_LOCKABLE_OBJECT_CHECK_FOR_REENTRANT_USE to be defined as 1 if not already. If a reentrant use is detected a DebugBreak() is executed.
  • Added a new build configuration, "Unicode Release No Optimisation" which can be useful for obtaining workable crash dumps from a release build.
  • Removed the "Debug" and "Release", non unicode, build configurations from the example servers. These build configurations are left over from when we supported operating systems that did not work in unicode mode by default. It's generally more performant to use the unicode builds and the presence of these configurations in the examples tended to encourage new clients to use them for production use.
  • Added an optionally enabled hacky fix for the fact that the Visual Studio 2013 Preview broke isprint(). See here for details of the problem and fix it by defining VS2013_PREVIEW_BROKEN_ISPRINT to 1 in your Config.h

Version 6.5.9
  • Added JETBYTE_TERMINATE_CRASH_DUMP_CREATION and JETBYTE_UNEXPECTED_CRASH_DUMP_CREATION which determine if JetByteTools::Win32::CGlobalErrorHandler will create crash dumps if std::terminate or std::unexpected are called.
  • Added JETBYTE_WEBSOCKET_ALLOW_BAD_SPACES_IN_HIXIE76_HANDSHAKE which allows our WebSocket code to deal with Hixie76 clients that don't strictly conform to the spec.

Version 6.5.8
  • No changes.

Version 6.5.7
  • Updated our support of Visual Studio 2012 to the RTM version. Added a few more warning suppressions. Fixed the solution file format so that it's actually a 2012 solution file and not a 2010 solution file using the 2012 tool chain.

Version 6.5.6
  • Updated our support of Visual Studio 2012 (11) to the RC version. Added a few more warning suppressions. Renamed the output directories. Renamed the solutions and projects from .11. to .2012.

Version 6.5.5
  • We now support Visual Studio 11. At present the code has only been tested with the beta version.
  • We now support building on Windows 8 and with the Windows 8 Platform SDK. At present the code has only been tested with the beta version of Windows 8 Server.
  • We now build cleanly with /analyze

Version 6.5.4
  • Added JETBYTE_CAN_ENABLE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS_DEBUG with a default of 0. This displays debugging information as JetByteTools::Socket::CanEnableSkipCompletionPortOnSuccess() enumerates the installed network providers.
  • Added JETBYTE_CAN_ENABLE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS_DISPLAY_FAILURE_REASON with a default of 1. This causes JetByteTools::Socket::CanEnableSkipCompletionPortOnSuccess() to display the network provider that prevents FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS from being enabled.
  • Disabled warning 4200 in Warnings.h - nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union Cannot generate copy-ctor or copy-assignment operator when UDT contains a zero-sized array.

Version 6.5.3
  • No changes.

Version 6.5.2
  • No changes.

Version 6.5.1
  • No changes.

Version 6.5
  • Added JETBYTE_REFERENCE_TRACKING_DISPLAY_ONLY_NON_TOOLS_LIB_CHANGES with a default of 0. When set to 1 any reference changes that occurred in JetByteTools code will be stripped from the report generated when JETBYTE_TRACK_IO_BUFFER_REFERENCES or JETBYTE_TRACK_SOCKET_REFERENCES are defined.
  • Added JETBYTE_ZLIB_1_2_5 - enabled by default. From this release TinyXML version 2.6.2 is available and is used by default in XMLTools. If you would prefer to continue to use TinyXML 2.6.1, 2.5.3 or 2.5.2 then define JETBYTE_TINY_XML_2_6_2 to 0 in your Config.h
  • Added JETBYTE_ZLIB_1_2_5 - enabled by default. From this release ZLib version 1.2.5 is available and is used by default in ZLibTools. If you would prefer to continue to use ZLib 1.2.3 then define JETBYTE_ZLIB_1_2_5 to 0 in your Config.h
  • Added JETBYTE_DUMP_STREAM_SOCKET_READ_TO_DEBUG_LOG, JETBYTE_DUMP_STREAM_SOCKET_WRITE_TO_DEBUG_LOG, JETBYTE_DUMP_DATAGRAM_SOCKET_READ_TO_DEBUG_LOG and JETBYTE_DUMP_DATAGRAM_SOCKET_WRITE_TO_DEBUG_LOG which all default to the value set for JETBYTE_DUMP_SOCKET_READ_AND_WRITE_DATA_TO_DEBUG_LOG and allow you to tune the data that is dumped by selectively enabling the dumping rather than enabling dumping of all data.

Version 6.4
  • JETBYTE_USE_TEMPLATE_TO_STRING is no longer supported.
  • Added JETBYTE_AUTOMATIC_SEH_CRASH_DUMP_CREATION with a default of 0. When set to 1 all CSEHExceptions will generate a crash dump when they are created, so at the point where they are converted from Windows SEH exceptions to C++ exceptions.
  • Added JETBYTE_PURE_CALL_CRASH_DUMP_CREATION with a default of 0. When set to 1 purecalls will generate a crash dump.
  • Added JETBYTE_PURE_CALL_CRASH_DUMP_CREATION with a default of 0. When set to 1 purecalls will generate a crash dump.
  • Added JETBYTE_ILLEGAL_BUFFER_REFERENCE_COUNT_CRASH_DUMP_CREATION with a default of 0. When set to 1 any I/O buffer over-release will generate a crash dump.
  • Added JETBYTE_ILLEGAL_SOCKET_REFERENCE_COUNT_CRASH_DUMP_CREATION with a default of 0. When set to 1 any socket over-release or increment from 0 will generate a crash dump.
  • Added JETBYTE_REENTRANT_SINGLE_WRITER_MULTIPLE_READER_LOCK_2_MAX_THREADS with a default of 100. This is used to configure the number of threads that can be tracked by an instance of JetByteTools::Win32::CReentrantSingleWriterMultipleReaderLock2
  • Added JETBYTE_TRACK_THREAD_NAMES with a default of 0. When set to 1 JetByteTools::Win32::CThread will keep track of all threads that are named using JetByteTools::Win32::CThread::SetThreadName() and return these details, thread Id and name, from a call to JetByteTools::Win32::CThread::GetThreadNames().

Version 6.3.3
  • No changes.

Version 6.3.2
  • No changes.

Version 6.3.1
  • No changes.

Version 6.3
  • Lots of white space changes which make comparing actual changes with 6.2 quite hard. Sorry.
  • Added StaticAssert.h which provides a compile time assertion that uses Visual Studio's static_assert if it's available and otherwise uses code that has been lifted from boost.
  • Corrected the automatic setting of JETBYTE_HAS_INTERLOCKED_64, this was only being set if the code was being compiled for x64 rather than for any operating system after XP SP1. Note that this change doesn't affect you if you were explicitly setting this value in your Config.h only if you were relying on the defaults.
  • Added JETBYTE_TINY_XML_2_6_1 - enabled by default. From this release TinyXML version 2.6.1 is available and is used by default in XMLTools. If you would prefer to continue to use TinyXML 2.5.3 or 2.5.2 then define JETBYTE_TINY_XML_2_6_1 to 0 in your Config.h
  • Performance has been improved in socket code by enabling code that causes the framework to execute I/O operations on the requesting thread rather than marshalling them to an I/O pool thread on Windows Vista or later. You can disable this functionality, and revert to how things were done in 6.2 and before by defining JETBYTE_PERF_STREAM_SOCKETS_SKIP_MARSHAL_TO_IO_POOL to 0 to disable this option for stream sockets and JETBYTE_PERF_DATAGRAM_SOCKETS_SKIP_MARSHAL_TO_IO_POOL to disable this option for datagram sockets.
  • Performance can be improved in certain types of datagram server by enabling the immediate reuse of the socket and/or buffer that was used for a datagram read operation. Note that these structures are only reused if they're just about to be released back to the allocators but by enabling this option you avoid a trip back into the allocator to release the structures only to then have a new read issued which requires allocating new structures. To enable this functionality define JETBYTE_PERF_REUSE_DATAGRAM_SOCKET_AND_BUFFER_FOR_NEXT_READ_IF_POSSIBLE to 1 in your Config.h
  • Monitoring of the timer wheel and timer queue classes can be selectively enabled by setting the JETBYTE_PERF_TIMER_QUEUE_MONITORING and JETBYTE_PERF_TIMER_WHEEL_MONITORING to 1 in Config.h. Monitoring of contention can also be enabled by setting JETBYTE_PERF_TIMER_CONTENTION_MONITORING to 1. Contention monitoring is disabled by default as it adjusts how locks are taken and could reduce performance slightly.
  • Added an optional performance optimisation for JetByteTools::IO::CBufferAllocator. Define JETBYTE_PERF_NO_ACTIVE_BUFFER_LIST to 1 in your Config.h and the allocator doesn't maintain an active buffer list. This improves performance fractionally.
  • Monitoring of contention during buffer allocation and release in JetByteTools::IO::CBufferAllocator can be enabled by defining JETBYTE_PERF_BUFFER_ALLOCATION_CONTENTION_MONITORING to 1 in your Config.h.
    See here for more details.

Version 6.2
  • We now support Visual Studio 2010. At present the code has only been tested with the beta and release candidate versions.
  • New build configuration options. All of these are enabled by defining the option to 1 in Config.h and disabled by defining them to 0; the default state if you do not do anything in Config.h is shown for each option:
    • JETBYTE_TINY_XML_2_5_3 - enabled by default. From this release TinyXML version 2.5.3 is available and is used by default in XMLTools. If you would prefer to continue to use TinyXML 2.5.2 then define JETBYTE_TINY_XML_2_5_3 to 0 in your Config.h
    • You can enable the FILE_SKIP_SET_EVENT_ON_HANDLE flag of SetFileCompletionNotificationModes() for stream sockets, datagram sockets, JetByteTools::IO::CAsyncFileWriter or JetByteTools::IO::CAsyncFileReader using the following configuration options:
      This potentially provides a very small performance improvement. You can turn off this functionality by defining the appropriate configuration option to 0 in your Config.h.
      See here for more details.
    • You can enable the FILE_SKIP_COMPLETION_PORT_ON_SUCCESS flag of SetFileCompletionNotificationModes() for stream sockets, datagram sockets, JetByteTools::IO::CAsyncFileWriter or JetByteTools::IO::CAsyncFileReader. using the following configuration options:
      This provides a small performance improvement in situations where overlapped I/O operations complete straight away as the completion is handled on the thread that initiated the I/O operation rather than being marshalled to an I/O thread. You can turn off this functionality by defining the appropriate configuration option to 0 in your Config.h.
      Note that this option is only enabled by default for stream sockets. You can, of course, enable the option by defining the appropriate configuration option to 1 in your Config.h BUT there is a known bug with enabling this option for UDP sockets on Windows Vista and Windows 7 which may cause resource leaks and we have been unable to exercise the new code for the JetByteTools::IO::CAsyncFileWriter during testing and so have not enabled the code at this time.
      See here for more details.
    • JETBYTE_DEBUG_BREAK_ON_CONNECTIONS_ACTIVE_DURING_DESTRUCTION - enabled by default. If enabled a breakpoint is triggered if you are in the debugger and there are connections active when a connection manager is destroyed. The connection manager base class cannot wait for these connections to complete as the callback that it uses to notify your code that connections have completed will likely have been destroyed by the time this code is executed. You should always have waited for a shutdown to complete and not created any connections again after that point before destroying your connection manager. You CAN and SHOULD wait for shutdown in your own derived class's destructor! Enabling this option helps you spot situations where you are NOT waiting correctly in your own code.
    • JETBYTE_DUMP_SOCKET_READ_AND_WRITE_DATA_TO_DEBUG_LOG - disabled by default. When enabled the low level socket I/O code dumps complete details of all data sent and received to the default debug trace log. This can be useful when developing connection filters. Note that this should not be left enabled as the debug generation is time consuming.
    • JETBYTE_DISABLE_VS2005_DEBUG_UUIDLIB_CHECK - has been removed. It was too difficult to detect installations that needed it and you can fix the problem that it tried to work around with the hotfix that I link to from here.
    • We now create typedefs for DWORD and BYTE in Types.h. This means that we don't need to include <wtypes.h> quite so often.

Version 6.1.1
  • New build configuration options. All of these are enabled by defining the option to 1 in Config.h and disabled by defining them to 0; the default state if you do not do anything in Config.h is shown for each option:
    • JETBYTE_USE_CAPTURE_STACK_BACK_TRACE - enabled by default. Define to 0 to prevent the use of CaptureStackBackTrace() when building for platforms later than Windows XP. Normally we assume that CaptureStackBackTrace() is available on Windows XP SP1 and later, however if you're building using the default Platform SDK that came with Visual Studio 2005 this does not include CaptureStackBackTrace() and so our platform version check wrongly includes code that cannot build.
    • JETBYTE_ADDITIONAL_BUFFER_TRACKING_CONTEXT and JETBYTE_ADDITIONAL_SOCKET_TRACKING_CONTEXT - by default the buffer and socket reference tracking code keeps one level of call stack context outside of the actual call within the library code that caused the reference to change. This is often enough context to track down the problem and keeps the amount of memory required for storing call stacks down. Sometimes, however, you need a little more context, in those situations you should define JETBYTE_ADDITIONAL_BUFFER_TRACKING_CONTEXT and/or JETBYTE_ADDITIONAL_SOCKET_TRACKING_CONTEXT to a value that represents the additional number of stack frames that you want saved and displayed. Note that each additional level of call stack that is stored requires a DWORD64 of space per call so these additional stack frames can soon add up.

Version 6.1
  • We now suppress warning 4370, 'layout of class has changed from a previous version of the compiler due to better packing', in Warnings.h.
  • New build configuration options. All of these are enabled by defining the option to 1 in Config.h and disabled by defining them to 0; the default state if you do not do anything in Config.h is shown for each option:
    • JETBYTE_TRANSLATE_SEH_EXCEPTIONS - enabled by default. When enabled each thread that is created within the libraries may contain a structured exception translator which will translate Windows structured exceptions into instances of JetByteTools::Win32::CSEHException which can be caught in a normal C++ exception handler. See here for more details.
    • JETBYTE_TRANSLATE_SEH_EXCEPTIONS_IN_DEBUGGER - enabled by default. If disabled then structured exception transaltion that is controlled by JETBYTE_TRANSLATE_SEH_EXCEPTIONS will not occur if the code is running under a debugger.
    • JETBYTE_CATCH_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS_IN_DESTRUCTORS - enabled by default. Some destructors have catch(...) handlers present to prevent exceptions leaking from them. When disabled all catch(...) handlers in destructors are removed from library code.
    • JETBYTE_CATCH_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS_AT_THREAD_BOUNDARY - enabled by default. Most threads that the libraries create have catch(...) handlers present to prevent exceptions leaking from them. When disabled all catch(...) handlers in threads are removed from library code.
    • JETBYTE_CATCH_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS_IN_NOTHROW_FUNCTIONS - enabled by default. Most functions that are marked with a 'no throw' (throw()) exception specification to indicate that the function does not throw exceptions also contain a catch(...) handler to ensure that they don't. When disabled all catch(...) handlers in 'nothrow' functions are removed from library code.
    • JETBYTE_CATCH_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS - enabled by default. When disabled all catch(...) handlers that haven't been explicitly enabled by one of the three settings above are removed from the code. See here: for more details.
    • JETBYTE_EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACES - disabled by default. Enable to capture the stack trace when an exception derived from JetByteTools::Win32::CException is thrown. Enables the use of JetByteTools::Win32::CException::GetCallStack() to report the call stack at the point of the exception.
    • JETBYTE_EXCEPTION_WHERE_INCLUDES_STACK_TRACE - disabled by default. Only valid if JETBYTE_EXCEPTION_STACK_TRACES is defined to 1. Causes JetByteTools::Win32::CException::Where() to also return the call stack of where the exception was thrown.
    • JETBYTE_TRACK_IO_BUFFER_REFERENCES - disabled by default. Enable to track where JetByteTools::IO::CBuffer::AddRef() and JetByteTools::IO::CBuffer::Release() are called from for all instances of JetByteTools::IO::CBuffer. If a buffer is over released (i.e. release is called on a buffer where the reference count is currently zero) then a trace of all calls to JetByteTools::IO::CBuffer::AddRef() and JetByteTools::IO::CBuffer::Release() will be printed to the debug trace output. If a buffer is destroyed and the reference count is not zero then a trace is also printed. Note that there is a considerable run-time cost for this functionality.
    • JETBYTE_TRACK_SOCKET_REFERENCES - disabled by default. Enable to track where JetByteTools::Socket::TAsyncSocket<T>::AddRef() and JetByteTools::Socket::TAsyncSocket<T>::Release() are called from for instances of JetByteTools::Socket::TAsyncSocket derived classes. If a socket is over released (i.e. release is called on a socket where the reference count is currently zero) then a trace of all calls to JetByteTools::Socket::TAsyncSocket::AddRef() and JetByteTools::Socket::TAsyncSocket<T>::Release() will be printed to the debug trace output. If a socket is destroyed and the reference count is not zero then a trace is also printed. Note that there is a considerable run-time performance cost for this functionality.
    • JETBYTE_REFERENCE_TRACKING_DISPLAY_LOADED_PDBS - disabled by default. Enable to display a list of the pdb files that were loaded to provide the callstacks uses by the socket reference tracker, the buffer reference tracker and the exception call stack code.
    • JETBYTE_REFERENCE_COUNTED_SMART_POINTER_THROW_ON_NULL_REFERENCE - disabled by default. Enable to throw exceptions from JetByteTools::Win32::TReferenceCountedSmartPointer<T>::GetRef() if the reference is null. Normally we simply return the null reference and the calling code goes boom...
    • JETBYTE_DISABLE_VS2005_DEBUG_UUIDLIB_CHECK - disabled by default. Enable to turn off the fatal build error in projects that require uuid.lib and that are being built in debug mode using VS2005 with the Windows SDK version v7.0. Some example servers require uuid.lib and the version supplied with the Windows SDK v7.0 contains some debug information that the VS2005 linker can't understand. These projects include CheckVS2005DebugUuidlibVersion.h which has a go at checking to see if you're using the Windows SDK v7.0 and if so produces an error message. If you enable this configuration setting the error message becomes a warning and, in all likelyhood, the build will instead fail at the link stage.

Version 6.0
  • Added back the Admin\VC6Compatibility directory with sal.h for VS.Net (2002) and VS 2003. The directory is now called Admin\Compatibility and you need to copy sal.h to your compiler's include directory if it complains about it being missing.
  • Some more changes with how Admin.h works. Admin.h now requires that a file called Config.h exists in the Admin directory. Config.h is used to store all of your library settings. Admin.h now simply includes TargetWindowsVersion.h and Config.h and validates that all the settings are acceptable. We're doing it this way so that you actually have to think about what settings you want to build with when you first install the code rather than simply taking our current defaults. Also this makes it considerably easier for us to run automated builds with different settings, and to adjust settings without continually checking them in to source control by mistake. There are some example Config.h files in the Admin\ExampleConfigHeaders subdirectory. Simply copy one into the Admin directory, rename it to Config.h and edit it as you wish. Likewise there are examples of TargetWindowsVersion.h files and again you need to copy one into the Admin directory and rename it before your first build.
  • Added Admin\DetectPlatformSDKVersion.h which can be included in your Admin\Config.h file to automatically set the correct defines for the version of the Platform SDK that you have installed. Note that it only works with the latest versions of the Platform SDK that include sdkddkver.h.
  • We don't support Visual Studio .Net (2002) without a separate Windows SDK installed. There are issues with the headers that ship with this compiler which means that it can't compile for Win2k without a Windows SDK. We support all other compilers without the use of the Windows SDKs if the compiler itself supports the required platform. If in doubt, install the latest Windows SDK; there's really no reason not to.
  • We don't support x64 builds on compilers prior to Visual Studio 2005. In truth we never did but Admin.h now raises an error if you try.
  • New header, CompilerName.h, which gives you a textual representation of the value of _MSC_VER. We use the long version of these in Admin.cpp and the short version to provide compiler specific directory names in test code.
  • Some changes in SecureCRT.h, compilers earlier than VS2005 now use _snsprintf for sprintf_s and we support swprintf_s as _snwprintf.
  • Warning.h now suppresses warning 4686 when building with STLPort.
  • Bug fix in Admin\WinsockWrapper.h for compilers earlier than VS2005 compiling with Windows SDK v6.1; we now use JETBYTE_MESSAGE to output the warning message.
  • Removed Admin\MsCoreE.h which was only required for VC6. You should now include mscoree.h directly.

Version 5.2.5
  • No changes.

Version 5.2.4
  • We no longer support Visual Studio 6.
  • We now compile with /Wall (in VS2005 and later) to enable all warnings, even those that are disabled by default. Of course this means that the list of warnings that we disable in Warnings.h has grown a little.
  • The custom message pragmas are now all prefixed with JETBYTE_, so there's JETBYTE_TODO, etc. This is to prevent name clashes with user code.

Version 5.2.3
  • Some whitespace changes to remove incorrect tabs.
  • Added a check for _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600 and JETBYTE_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION < 0x060A as targetting Vista or later means we enable stuff that's only available in the v6.0a Windows SDK.
  • Added The Frequently asked project related questions page.
  • Having done some more testing, you might need sal.h for VS.Net (2002) and VS 2003. A copy can be found in Admin\VC6Compatibility and you need to copy it to your compiler's include directory if it complains about it being missing.
  • Some changes to WinsockWrapper.h for when JETBYTE_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION == 0x0610 and we're building with anything earlier than VS2005 as version 6.1 of the Windows SDK defines a 'clever' template version of _WSPIAPI_COUNTOF from WSPIAPI.H and the earlier compilers can't deal with...

Version 5.2.2
  • Added JETBYTE_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION which you can use to tell the libraries which version of the Windows SDK you're using. This allows us to work around some of the breaking changes that are introduced by some versions of the Widows SDK and the earlier Platform SDKs.
  • Added a copy of sal.h to the Admin\VC6Compatibility directory as it doesn't ship as part of the Windows SDK but some versions of the Windows SDK require it; this effectively means that VC6 can't be used with the latest versions of the Windows SDK. If you find that you're compiling with VC6 and you get errors about not being able to find sal.h then you can copy the file from Admin\VC6Compatibility to your VC6 include directory.
  • Added TargetWindowsVersion.h and associated target specific files. Either edit TargetWindowsVersion.h and change the values of JETBYTE_MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_WINDOWS_VERSION and JETBYTE_MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_NTDDI_VERSION or copy TargetWindowsVersion_Vista.h or whatever over the top of TargetWindowsVersion.h to build for a specific windows version. We've done it this way so that our continuous integration build server can build for various targets simply by having a file copy job that copies the correct version over the top of TargetWindowsVersion.h after extracting the code from source control.
  • Adjusted the SecureCRT.h header again.
  • Some changes to WinsockWrapper.h for when JETBYTE_PLATFORM_SDK_VERSION == 0x0610 as version 6.1 of the Windows SDK does not define a SOCKADDR_STORAGE typedef for Windows versions of less than 0x0501. We warn about this and include our own typedef if this is the case.
  • Adjusted Admin\UsingMFC.h so that it works for dynamic linking with MFC for all compilers rather than just working with VC6.

Version 5.2.1
  • VS 2008 support - Adding projects and solutions and excluding warning 4627...
  • Added an Admin.cpp file which displays details of the settings from Admin.h during a build.
  • Adjusted the SecureCRT.h header which is used to provide the "secure" string functions on compilers prior to the VS2005.

Version 5.2
  • x64 port - STLPort is currently NOT a supported option in 64bit builds.
  • Fiddled with Warnings.h and SecureCRT.h to fix issues.
  • Added Types.h, at present it only contains JetByteTools::Milliseconds.
  • Added JETBYTE_HAS_INTERLOCKED_64 to Admin.h it is used to determin if the platform on which you will be running has an implementation of the 64 bit versions of the 'Interlocked' functions. If you set it to 1 then code can assume it's OK to use these functions, if you set it to 0 then alternative methods will be used...

There were no release notes for this library prior to version 5.2

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